
A Minimal Application

A minimal Ampalibe application looks something like this:

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):, "Hello, Ampalibe")

So what did that code do?

  • line 1 we import ampalibe package.

  • line 2 we import Configuration class which contains our env variable.

  • line 4 we inite ampalibe with configuration and store the result instance.

  • we create a function decorated by ampalibe.command(‘/’) to say Ampalibe that it’s the main function.

  • line 8 We respond to the sender by greeting Ampalibe


messages are received directly in a main function


Ampalibe’s philosophy says that all received messages, whether it is a simple or payload message, or an image, is considered to be commands

The command decorator of ampalibe is used to specify the function where a specific command must launch. If no corresponding command is found, it launches the main function

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):, "Hello, Ampalibe")

    if the message received start with '/eat'
    the code enter here, not in main
    ex: /eat 1 jackfruit

    in cmd value, /eat is removed
def spec(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    print(sender_id)  # 1555554455
    print(cmd)  # '1 jackfruit'

   ex: /drink_a_jackfruit_juice
def spec(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    print(sender_id)  # 1555554455
    print(cmd)  #  a empty value cause the key is removed


When we create a function decorated by ampalibe.command, **extends parameter must be present


At some point, we will need to point the user to a specific function, to retrieve user-specific data, for example, ask for his email, ask for the word the person wants to search for.

To do this, you have to define the action expected by the user, to define what should be expected from the user.

in this example, we will use two things, the action decorator and the query.set_action method

Example 1: Ask the name of user, and greet him

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat =
query = bot.query

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    chat.send_message(sender_id, 'Enter your name')
    query.set_action(sender_id, '/get_name')

def get_name(sender_id,  cmd, **extends):
    query.set_action(sender_id, None)  #  clear current action
    chat.send_message(sender_id, f'Hello {cmd}')

Example 2: Ask a number and say if it a even number or odd number

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat =
query = bot.query

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    chat.send_message(sender_id, 'Enter a number')
    query.set_action(sender_id, '/get_number')

def get_number(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    query.set_action(sender_id, None)  #  clear current action
    if cmd.isdigit():
        if int(cmd) % 2 == 0:
            chat.send_message(sender_id, 'even number')
            chat.send_message(sender_id, 'odd number')
        chat.send_message(sender_id, f'{cmd} is not a number')

We define the next function in which the user message entered and can obtain all the texts of the message in “cmd”


Remember to erase the current action to prevent the message from entering the same function each time


When we create a function decorated by ampalibe.action, **extends parameter must be present

Temporary data

For each processing of each message, we will need to store information temporarily, like saving the login while waiting to ask for the password

the methods used are set_temp, get_temp, del_temp

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat =
query = bot.query

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    chat.send_message(sender_id, 'Enter your mail')
    query.set_action(sender_id, '/get_mail')

def get_mail(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    # save the mail in temporary data
    query.set_temp(sender_id, 'mail', cmd)

    chat.send_message(sender_id, f'Enter your password')
    query.set_action(sender_id, '/get_password')

def get_password(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    query.set_action(sender_id, None)  # clear current action
    # get mail in temporary data
    mail = query.get_temp(sender_id, 'mail')
    chat.send_message(sender_id, f'your mail and your password are {mail} {cmd}')
    # delete mail in temporary data
    query.del_temp(sender_id, 'mail')

Payload Management

Ampalibe facilitates the management of payloads with the possibility of sending arguments.

You can send data with Payload object and get it in destination function’s parameter

import ampalibe
# import the Payload class
from ampalibe import Payload
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat =

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    quick_rep = [
            "content_type": "text",
            "title": 'Angela',
            #  Customise your payload
            "payload": Payload('/member', name='Angela', ref='2016-sac')
            "content_type": "text",
            "title": 'Rivo',
            #  Customise your payload
            "payload": Payload('/member', name='Rivo')
    chat.send_quick_reply(sender_id, quick_rep, 'Who?')

def get_membre(sender_id, cmd, name, **extends):
        You can receive the arguments payload in extends or
        specifying the name of the argument in the parameters
    chat.send_message(sender_id, "Hello " + name)

    # if the arg is not defined in the list of parameters,
    # it is put in the extends variable
    if extends.get('ref'):
        chat.send_message(sender_id, 'your ref is ' + extends.get('ref'))

File management

We recommand to make static file in assets folder,

for files you use as a URL file, you must put assets/public, in assets/private otherwise

Suppose that a logo file is in "assets/public/iTeamS.png" and that we must send it via url

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat =

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
        to get a file in assets/public folder,
        the route is <adresse>/asset/<file>
        Configuration.APP_URL + '/asset/iTeamS.png',