Why use Ampalibe

Webhooks & process Management

No need to manage webhooks and data

messages are received directly in a main function

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat = bot.chat

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
   chat.send_message(sender_id, 'Hello world')
   chat.send_message(sender_id, f'This is your message: {cmd}')
   chat.send_message(sender_id, f'and this is your facebook id: {sender_id}')

Action Management

Manages the actions expected by the users

define the function of the next treatment

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat = bot.chat
query = bot.query

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    chat.send_message(sender_id, 'Enter your name')
    query.set_action(sender_id, '/get_name')

def get_name(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    query.set_action(sender_id, None)  #  clear current action
    chat.send_message(sender_id, f'Hello {cmd}')

Temporary data Management

Manage temporary data easily with set, get, and delete methods

import ampalibe
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat = bot.chat
query = bot.query

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    chat.send_message(sender_id, 'Enter your mail')
    query.set_action(sender_id, '/get_mail')

def get_mail(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    # save the mail in temporary data
    query.set_temp(sender_id, 'mail', cmd)

    chat.send_message(sender_id, f'Enter your password')
    query.set_action(sender_id, '/get_password')

def get_password(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    query.set_action(sender_id, None)  # clear current action
    mail = query.get_temp(sender_id, 'mail')  # get mail in temporary data

    chat.send_message(sender_id, f'your mail and your password are {mail} {cmd}')
    query.del_temp(sender_id, 'mail')  # delete temporary data

Payload Management

Manage Payload easily

send data with Payload object and get it in destination function’s parameter

import ampalibe
from ampalibe import Payload
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat = bot.chat

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    quick_rep = [
            "content_type": "text",
            "title": 'Angela',
            "payload": Payload('/membre', name='Angela', ref='2016-sac')
            "content_type": "text",
            "title": 'Rivo',
            "payload": Payload('/membre', name='Rivo')
    chat.send_quick_reply(sender_id, quick_rep, 'Who?')

def get_membre(sender_id, cmd, name, **extends):
    chat.send_message(sender_id, "Hello " + name)

    # if the arg is not defined in the list of parameters,
    # it is put in the extends variable
    if extends.get('ref'):
        chat.send_message(sender_id, 'your ref is ' + extends.get('ref'))

Advanced Messenger API

No need to manage the length of the items to send: A next page button will be displayed directly

import ampalibe
from ampalibe import Payload
from conf import Configuration

bot = ampalibe.init(Configuration())
chat = bot.chat

def main(sender_id, cmd, **extends):
    list_items = [
            "title": f"item n°{i+1}",
            "image_url": "https://i.imgflip.com/6b45bi.jpg",
            "buttons": [
                    "type": "postback",
                    "title": "Get item",
                    "payload": Payload("/item", id_item=i+1)
        for i in range(30)
    # next=True for displaying directly next page button.
    chat.send_template(sender_id, list_items, next=True)

def get_item(sender_id, id_item, **extends):
    chat.send_message(sender_id, f"item n°{id_item} selected")